Growing tobacco in Bulgaria

Bulgarian farmer inspecting tobacco leaves

Bulgaria, a country with a rich history and diverse culture, has a lesser-known side that’s equally fascinating – its long-standing tradition of tobacco cultivation. This journey takes us through the verdant fields of Bulgaria, where the art of growing tobacco has been perfected over generations. From the planting of the seeds to the harvesting of the leaves, each step is a testament to the dedication and skill of the Bulgarian farmers. As we delve deeper, we’ll uncover the secrets that make Bulgarian tobacco a favorite in the global market, and how this small country has made a big impact on the world of tobacco.

The Rise of the Tobacco Industry

Over the years, the tobacco industry in Bulgaria has grown exponentially. The country is now one of the leading tobacco producers in Europe, with its high-quality tobacco being exported to countries all over the world.

Planting the Seeds

The journey of Bulgarian tobacco starts with the planting of seeds in carefully prepared fields. The farmers meticulously select the best seeds, ensuring that only the highest quality plants are grown.

Nurturing the Plants

Once the seeds are planted, the farmers dedicate their time and effort to nurturing the plants. They monitor the growth of the plants closely, providing them with the necessary nutrients and care.

Harvesting the Leaves

The culmination of the tobacco growing process is the harvesting of the leaves. This is a labor-intensive process that requires skill and precision. The leaves are carefully picked and then dried to prepare them for the market.

The Unique Qualities of Bulgarian Tobacco

Bulgarian tobacco is renowned for its unique qualities. It has a distinct flavor and aroma that sets it apart from tobacco grown in other parts of the world. These qualities have made Bulgarian tobacco a favorite among tobacco connoisseurs worldwide.

Bulgaria’s Contribution to the Global Tobacco Industry

Bulgaria’s contribution to the global tobacco industry is significant. The country’s high-quality tobacco is exported to various parts of the world, contributing to the diversity and richness of the global tobacco market.

Overcoming Obstacles

Bulgarian tobacco farmers face numerous challenges in their quest to grow the best tobacco. From dealing with unpredictable weather conditions to battling pests and diseases, the journey is not always smooth. However, their resilience and dedication have helped them overcome these obstacles and continue to produce high-quality tobacco.

Celebrating Successes

Despite the challenges, Bulgarian tobacco farmers have many successes to celebrate. Their hard work and dedication have resulted in the production of some of the world’s finest tobacco, earning them recognition and respect in the global tobacco industry.

Innovations in the Field

The future of tobacco cultivation in Bulgaria looks promising, with innovations in farming techniques and technology paving the way for increased productivity and quality. These advancements are helping Bulgarian tobacco farmers stay competitive in the global market.

Sustainability and Tobacco Farming

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important aspect of tobacco farming in Bulgaria. Farmers are adopting more sustainable practices to ensure the longevity of their farms and the preservation of the environment.

what are the challenges faced by tobacco farmers in bulgaria

Tobacco farmers in Bulgaria face several challenges that impact their productivity and profitability. These include:

  1. Unfavorable Weather Conditions: Tobacco cultivation is highly dependent on specific weather conditions. Extended rainy seasons, dry spells, and heatwaves can significantly affect the growth and quality of the tobacco crop. These weather-related challenges have been a common occurrence in recent years, leading to volume losses for the industry .
  2. Farmer Attrition: The tobacco industry in Bulgaria has struggled with farmer attrition. Rising prices for other crops, such as corn or cotton, have prompted some growers to abandon tobacco farming .
  3. Rising Input and Labor Costs: The war in Ukraine has dramatically increased the prices of growers inputs as well as labor costs. This has added to the financial burden of tobacco farmers .
  4. Small-Scale Farming: Most of the tobacco in Bulgaria is grown by small-scale farmers. The average size of land under Oriental tobacco per farmer as of 2020 was 0.86 hectares (roughly two acres). Tobacco growing is a labor-intensive activity with a low added value .
  5. Economic Viability: In some regions in Southwestern Bulgaria, villages have seen economic growth after abandoning tobacco farming. This suggests that tobacco farming may not be the most economically viable agricultural practice in these areas .
  6. Dependence on Subsidies: National subsidies to tobacco growers are more than three times the value of tobacco produced. This indicates a high level of dependence on government support, which may not be sustainable in the long term .
  7. Market Dynamics: Up to 93% of cigarettes consumed in Bulgaria are imported, indicating a potential challenge for domestic producers in terms of market competition .
  8. Depopulation and Aging Population: Bulgaria faces serious challenges in terms of depopulation, poverty, and an aging population in most rural areas. These demographic factors can impact the availability of labor and the overall sustainability of tobacco farming .

what are the most popular tobacco varieties grown in bulgaria

The most popular tobacco varieties grown in Bulgaria are Oriental tobaccos, which are narrow-leafed varieties predominantly grown in the Balkans. These tobaccos are known for their aromatic properties and are mostly cultivated by small-scale farmers in the southern mountainous parts of the country . The specific varieties include the Dzhebel (or Djebel or Cebel in Turkish) variety, also known as Xanthi Djebel, which is grown in the area of Dzhebel in the Kardzhali region . Other types of tobacco grown in Bulgaria include Virginia and Burley tobaccos, which are used for their high sugar content and good burning ability in the case of Virginia, and for their ability to absorb sauces and scents in the case of Burley .

what is the history of tobacco production in bulgaria

The history of tobacco production in Bulgaria is deeply intertwined with the country’s economic, political, and cultural transformations. The cultivation of tobacco, often referred to as ‘Bulgarian gold’, began in the Ottoman era and played a significant role in the country’s modernization process .

In the mid-19th century, when Bulgaria gained partial and then full independence from the Ottoman Empire, the country started to develop its tobacco industry . The tobacco trade shaped most of Bulgaria’s international relations, drawing the country into alliances with Nazi Germany during World War II and the Soviet Union in the post-war period .

By 1918, tobacco made up almost 80% of Bulgaria s export earnings . The country’s tobacco industry took off in the 20th century, producing an increasing number of luxurious cigarettes for a vast market . By the late 1960s, Bulgaria had become the world’s largest exporter of cigarettes, with roughly one-eighth of its population involved in production .

The tobacco industry in Bulgaria was not just about economic growth; it also had significant cultural implications. The production and consumption of tobacco influenced perceptions of luxury and necessity, novelty, imitation, value, and taste . Despite attempts by the Bulgarian Communist leadership to present smoking as a social deviance, smoking rates skyrocketed under communism, and tobacco remained central to leisure culture in Bulgaria .

However, the tobacco industry in Bulgaria has faced challenges. The global stagnation of tobacco production and consumption has impacted the industry, and the country has had to compete with tobacco producers in third world countries such as Brazil, Sumatra, India, and Cuba .


The story of tobacco cultivation in Bulgaria is one of resilience, innovation, and success. Despite the challenges, Bulgarian tobacco farmers continue to produce high-quality tobacco that is enjoyed by people all over the world. As we look to the future, it is clear that the tradition of tobacco cultivation in Bulgaria will continue to thrive, contributing to the richness and diversity of the global tobacco industry.


  • Youth smoking prevalence in Bulgaria is 15% .
  • Adult smokeless tobacco use prevalence in Bulgaria is 0% .
  • Approximately 25 billion cigarettes were produced in Bulgaria in 2016 .
  • In 2019, 6480 tons of tobacco were produced in Bulgaria on 3540 hectares .
  • The sales of Bulgarian raw tobacco in 2020 amounted to 21.6 million BGN .
  • Tobacco producers entered into the registry at the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture were 3345 as of 2021 .


  1. Who regulates the tobacco purchase prices in Bulgaria?
    Bulgartabac fixes the tobacco purchase prices and signs contracts with farmers .
  2. What types of tobacco are predominantly grown in Bulgaria?
    Two-thirds of the raw tobacco produced in Bulgaria are Oriental tobaccos .
  3. Where is tobacco mainly grown in Bulgaria?
    Tobacco is mainly grown by small-scale farmers in the southern mountainous parts of the country .
  4. Why is Bulgaria significant in the global tobacco market?
    Bulgaria was once the number one exporter of tobacco in the world, with a significant portion of its population involved in production .
  5. How is tobacco cultivated in Bulgaria?
    Tobacco cultivation in Bulgaria involves selecting quality seeds, preparing the soil, nurturing the plants, and carefully harvesting and curing the leaves .
  6. Is tobacco a major economic contributor in Bulgaria?
    Tobacco now plays only a marginal role in Bulgarian agricultural production .
  7. Can tobacco farming be considered a sustainable practice in Bulgaria?
    There are cases where villages have seen economic growth after abandoning tobacco farming, suggesting sustainability concerns .
  8. Does Bulgaria import or export more tobacco products?
    Up to 93% of cigarettes consumed in Bulgaria are imported .
  9. Will the tobacco industry in Bulgaria continue to thrive?
    The future of the industry depends on innovations and the adoption of sustainable practices .
  10. What challenges do Bulgarian tobacco farmers face?
    Farmers deal with unpredictable weather, pests, diseases, and the labor-intensive nature of tobacco cultivation .
  11. How has tobacco culture influenced Bulgaria’s history?
    Tobacco culture has played a significant role in Bulgaria’s economic and cultural modernization .
  12. What are the economically viable alternatives to tobacco growing in Bulgaria?
    Some regions have experienced economic growth after transitioning away from tobacco farming .
  13. What is the prevalence of adult smokeless tobacco use in Bulgaria?
    Adult smokeless tobacco use prevalence in Bulgaria is 0% .
  14. How does tobacco control policy impact sustainability in Bulgaria?
    Tobacco control policies aim to reduce consumption and address public health concerns, which can indirectly affect sustainability .
  15. What is the history of tobacco in Bulgaria?
    Tobacco has been a part of Bulgaria’s history since the mid-19th century, influencing its economy and culture .


  • “Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria” by Mary C. Neuburger provides a comprehensive history of tobacco in Bulgaria .

Sources of information:

  • Refworld
  • Tobacconomics
  • Tobacco Atlas
  • Amazon
  • WHO
  • European Commission
  • Cornell University Press
  • European Union’s agriculture sector
  • Goodreads
  • PMI
  • International Smoking Statistics
  • ResearchGate
  • Everand


Authoritative sources on the subject of growing tobacco in Bulgaria include:

  • Neuburger, Mary C. “Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria.” Cornell University Press, 2012

    Product Details

  • World Health Organization. “Tobacco agriculture trade Bulgaria 2022 country profile”
  • European Commission. “Tobacco”
  • Tobacconomics. “Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Bulgaria”
  • Tobacco Atlas. “Bulgaria”